Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 3

Today for my 17 days to make a difference, I cleaned my lunch box. I think this made some sort of difference because then it would have given my mum and dad more time to do other stuff. Also I think my dad appreciated it because he said thank you afterwards, which made me feel good. I also decided to feed my sisters rats, because they hadn't been fed because my sister couldn't be bothered, so I did. I think my sister was glad I did it for her, and her rats were probably happy that they got food!


9room1217daystomakeadifference said...

Nice one feeding the rats not that I will ever do it.

GummyBear said...

you cleaned your lunchbox WOW!!!!
kidding good job sam : )

Sophie B said...

gwd on ya sami. rats are awsum ayy :]